Week Seven Recap

Pleasant surprise this morning — I lost over two pounds for the week. On the last day, I was so tired from the previous night out that I was too tired to eat much. I was also able to go to bed pretty early, thus avoiding any late evening meals.

Anyway, that puts me right back exactly on pace: seven pounds in seven weeks. I'm really happy right now. Halfway through the program and I'm on track. I'm already at the lowest I've been in about seven years. I'm going to feel free to eat whatever today; tomorrow, we have a family dinner out planned. After that, I'll be back shooting for another pound this week coming up.


Targeting a fifteen pound loss at one pound per week:

Week 7
Current     : -7.0 lbs
Weekly Rate : -1.0 lbs / wk
Projected   : 21-Oct
Original    : 21-Oct