I'm slacking off a little bit this week. Monday, I went for some ramen, which I had been craving since last week. On Wednesday, I had that Korean BBQ dinner with my buddy. Eight different styles of pork bellies, grilled, along with mounds of kimchee salad.
As a result, today, I'm a little above my starting weight for the week. I was supposed to do a mono-diet yesterday, but I just couldn't swing it. I had to cook up some burger patties that were sitting in my fridge the past few days. I ended up snacking on them on-and-off all day.
Today, I'm on pace. But I'm not sure if I will get where I need by Sunday. Actually, writing this post helps. I'll see where I am tomorrow, then cram in a final day of only bread. Hopefully, that will get me back on track.